Realize Cost Savings with CellSafe

At first glance the cost of CellSafe packaging appears to be similar to competitive products. However, for a typical recall or return program, the reusability factor bears further consideration. The CellSafe Envelope Kit  offers reusable textile envelopes can be reused 4 to 6 times, or more, for the duration of a send back program. Only the box and bundled service aspect of these kits needs to be repurchased.

An example: a volume send back program for 10,000 units that utilizes the Medium CellSafe Envelope Kit would realize a cost savings of $100,000 by reusing the inner envelopes. This savings takes into account unreturned envelopes and damaged kits that are removed from use. This scalable approach also helps companies with large recalls to avoid waste disposal of non reusable envelopes. For the above example this waste reduction equates to approximately 500 pounds.

Drums and pails also offer cost savings. They are obviously reusable in a closed-loop shipping program, but they owe the greatest financial benefit to the DOT Special Permits. The permits associated with these shipping solutions offer the most impressive and useful latitude in the industry due to the strength of the testing data. This allows for a much higher volume of batteries and cells to be shipped in a single package – up to 132 pounds (60 kg) of damaged/defective batteries and unlimited quantities of non-DDR.

If your company is looking for a sustainable cost-saving approach to battery and device returns, please reach out today to schedule a call with a product specialist about your needs. They can design a program to optimize cost savings for your program.