Convert Off-the-shelf Industry Safety Products to Best Practice Emergency Solutions

The CellBlock Drum Plug Safety System is a simple approach for the safe and rapid mitigation of lithium-ion battery fires and thermal events:

  • CellBlock gloves provide protection from high heat and flame.
  • FireShield Blanket can be used to approach and bundle a suspect battery for transfer to a dedicated emergency drum or can. The proprietary textiles are rated for temperatures over 1000ºC (1832°F).
  • Drop the appropriately-sized drum plug into the containment can, covering the battery. In the presence of high heat CellBlockEX in the plug will disperse to extinguish and cool thermal events and uptake smoke and fumes.
  • Close the lid and monitor for heat and smoke. Do not reopen for several hours.
  • For a best practice solution, maintain a few inches of CellBlockEX in the bottom of the can to enhance heat absorption.
  • Components may be purchased separately or as a kit (gloves, blanket, drum plug).
handle a risky battery with FireShield Blankets
If deemed safe to approach, use gloves and FireShield Blanket to bundle battery.
cellblock fire suppression drum plug
Place battery in designated drum. Carefully remove blanket. (It is recommended to maintain a layer of CellBlockEX in the bottom.)
Drum plug for safe battery containment and shipping
Place drum plug over top of battery.
Battery containment pail with CellBlockEX Drum Plug
Close the drum and monitor. DO NOT REOPEN for several hours. Follow your company's safety protocols.