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Mineral-Based Media for
Extinguishing Li-ion Battery Fires

CellBlockEX Fire Suppressant Media

True Blue Fire Suppression

The most trusted name in battery safety provides proven solutions to help you store or ship lithium-ion batteries.

CellBlockEX is the environmentally-friendly, mineral-based extinguishing agent used for fire fighting and prevention of problematic fires including metal, lithium-ion battery cells, and combustible liquids. The small lightweight spheres of CellBlockEX are composed of non-crystalline glass granulates repurposed from recycled glass with tiny pores on the inside. The engineered formulation of grain sizes produces optimal fire suppression results, and can be adjusted for varied industrial applications. Since the granulate is 100% mineral based – it’s safe for you and the environment.

Ship batteries with confidence by land, air or sea. CellBlockEX is at the core of many of our shipping solutions, including Class-D packaging for damaged, defective, and recycled (DDR) lithium-ion batteries.

The Vermiculite Challenge

While environmental and health advantages elevate CellBlockEX’s value over Vermiculite, how do the two compare in fire suppression capabilities? The short answer: they don’t. While vermiculite provides certain protections, only CellBlockEX offers active fire suppression. Watch the video for the test results.

How does CellBlockEX compare to other aggregates? Download our Aggregates Comparison »

Don't Trust Safety to Anything Else

CellBlockEX is the TRUE BLUE Class-D Shipping Solution

CellSafe lithium ion battery packaging

CellBlockEX provides protections in special CellSafe packaging designed for recalls and recycling of consumer batteries.

Compliant drum and pail packaging for lithium-ion batteries

CellBlockEX HazMat Drums have earned a special permit from the DOT when CellBlockEX is used as a filler.

battery case for safe containment and transport

In tests performed by Stress Engineering Group and Underwriters Laboratories, CellBlockEX halted lithium-ion battery fire propagation in our Transportation and Storage Cases.

How Does CellBlockEX Work?

Oxygen Displacement

Covering the battery fire load with a sufficient layer of CellBlockEX displaces available oxygen from the fire, starving it from external fuel.

Phase Change and Isolation

CellBlockEX melts at ~1500° F, well within the range of a lithium battery fire. The phase change from solid to semi-liquid acts as a heat sink, dissipating energy, while forming an impervious hard shell around the fire load. The formed crystalline capsule around the battery prevents ignition of surrounding areas of energy density, including adjacent cells or batteries in proximity.

Flammable Gas Disruption

Due to the nature of the CellBlockEX’s multicellular structure, the flammable gas is forced into physically separated micro-pores, breaking it into smaller concentrations beneath the ignition threshold, thus disrupting flammability of the gas.

Sorbency of Fire Gases

CellBlockEX’s micro-porous structure and dry surface bind to large flammable molecules and vapors reducing their total volume, limiting their contribution to environmental ignition or toxicity.

Test Results That
Speak for Themselves

CellBlockEX has undergone thorough testing. It is important to understand that, due to its loose granulate characteristics, most test scenarios include a deployment method. 

CellBlockFCS has developed patented delivery methods for dispensing CellBlockEX during thermal runaway. This video demonstrates rapid suppression and halting of propagation during a third-party test by CSA labs.