What does your LIBIK Lifetime Warranty cover?

The CellBlock LIBIK (Lithium Ion Battery Incident Kit) provides versatile, robust solutions for lithium ion battery fire suppression in the transportation, shipping, and aviation industries. CellBlock FCS guarantees LIBIK products to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal inflight use and conditions. CellBlock FCS further warranties that the goods provided under these […]

A PED fire has been suppressed by CellBlockEX. Should I also pour water on it?

A cell phone in water.

Hypothetically, a nearby PED (personal electronic device) such as a laptop or cell phone is experiencing thermal runaway or is on fire. You’re considering using CellBlock fire suppression products as a solution to your imminent problem, but will you need water or other liquids to assist in extinguishing the fire? No. This step is not […]

CellBlock FCS partners with Flame Aviation for LIBIK Training needs

Flame Aviation performing fire tests.

CellBlock FCS is proud to have recently partnered with Flame Aviation, the world’s leading manufacturer of cabin fire and smoke trainers for airlines and training centers around the world. Flame Aviation will be providing standardized training using CellBlock’s LIBIK and EDE fire and smoke suppression kits. Their state-of-the art trainers allow for realistic, yet safe, […]

CellBlock FCS to Attend WATS 2018 in Orlando

CellBlock FCS table at WATS conference.

CellBlock FCS will attend the 21st World Aviation Training Summit (WATS) April 17-19 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida. This summit is the world’s largest assembly of aviation training professionals with more than 1,200 attendees from over 50 countries expected. WATS offers a relaxed yet professional environment with unrivaled opportunities to meet […]

CellBlock Transportation Case Witness Panel Test

This CellBlock Transportation Case passes the witness test.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The following test demonstrates the effectiveness of CellBlock Transportation and Storage Cases in preventing the propagation of a thermal event to adjacent luggage or packages. The CellBlock Transportation Case was surrounded by a witness panel consisting of corrugated cardboard wrapped in cheesecloth. Any charring or burning on the cheesecloth during the thermal event would indicate […]

CellBlock FCS at 2017 IATA Lithium Battery Workshop

Dinner table overlooking Barcelona.

Dylan Vandemark and Matthew Vandemark will be representing CellBlock FCS at the 7th Annual IATA Lithium Battery Workshop in Barcelona Spain. Receive the latest industry information on best ways to apply regulations for the transport of lithium batteries by air. Network with your peers and connect with representatives from lithium battery manufacturers, freight forwarders, ground handling […]

CellBlock FCS is headed to the 11th World Cargo Symposium in Abu Dhabi

abu dhabi skyline

Our representatives are making the long flight to the IATA World Cargo Symposium in Abu Dhabi. CellBlock FCS will be one of only 40 exhibitors at this prestigious event that brings together key stakeholders from the entire air cargo supply chain. Held March 14th – 16th and attended by 1,000 air cargo leaders, this symposium focuses […]