CellBlock FCS partners with Flame Aviation for LIBIK Training needs

Flame Aviation performing fire tests.

CellBlock FCS is proud to have recently partnered with Flame Aviation, the world’s leading manufacturer of cabin fire and smoke trainers for airlines and training centers around the world. Flame Aviation will be providing standardized training using CellBlock's LIBIK and EDE fire and smoke suppression kits. Their state-of-the art trainers allow for realistic, yet safe, fire training for the flight crew. Training includes procedures for multiple inflight fire scenarios, including open fires, concealed fires, and hidden fires. The team approach to fighting lithium-ion battery fires is intensively trained, as is communication and after-fire procedures.

Clients purchasing LIBIKs or EDEs may use the training simulator at no cost at Flame Aviation's location in Netherlands. Contact us for more information on this benefit.

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