Stop Thermal Runaway in Seconds

We are starting the year off with a bang! Watch a battery cascade into thermal runaway as the passive fire suppression system of the CellBlock FCS Cabinet takes control of the escalating situation. Spark to suppression in roughly 3 seconds is impressive, even for our standards.
11 Bays of Safe Micro-Mobility Charging per Shelf

Fire Suppression and Separation are the Standard for Safe Battery Charging Our largest Charge Safe Racks to date boast 11 lithium-ion charging bays per shelf, with passive fire suppression in every bay. Separation, Suppression, and Containment innovation by CellBlock FCS is the new E-mobility standard. Simply Brilliant Deployment of CellBlockEX Each shelf has a gravity […]
The Micro-Mobility Modular Charge Safe Battery Rack

CellBlock’s practical, durable battery racks have been engineered to comply with fire codes and exceed fire marshal expectations of safety.
CellBlock FCS Assesses E-Bike Battery Safety Risk

E-Bikes are a growing staple for swift and agile urban transportation. Unfortunately, the high energy batteries associated with these new devices pose a safety risk that simply can not be ignored.
American Made Battery Cases and Cabinets

We are grateful for the talented team of fabricators that melt and shape our cases and cabinets each and every day.
CellBlockEX Dry Lithium-Ion Fire Extinguisher

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When a laptop or cellphone catches on fire, your immediate priority should be to extinguish the flames as safely and effectively as possible. In the case of such an emergency as a thermal runaway, different environments require a different fire safety protocol. Water works in a pinch, but dousing a lithium-ion battery fire with water […]