How to Safely Charge Your Tablet or Laptop

Lithium-ion batteries power so much of our lives, and smaller ones, like those in our laptops, tablets, and phones, go with us everywhere. As much of a boon as these batteries are, when they catch fire, they can also be a real threat. Most of these battery fires start during charging. Here’s how to safely charge […]
Making a Case for Battery Safety

Need to ship batteries? In this post, we’ll show you how to safely ship lithium-ion batteries by ground or sea. The secret? Our patented battery cases.
Airplane Fire Containment Demonstrations featuring LIBIK

In this video, you’ll see how our LIBIK (Lithium-Ion Battery Incident Kit) can contain battery fires in a variety of in-flight scenarios. Watch a laptop, a battery pack, and more cascade into thermal runaway.
CellBlock Highlights Battery Safety During Fire Prevention Month

We’re in the business of fire safety, so naturally Fire Prevention Month is on our radar.
An E-bike Charging Solution Safe Enough for FDNY

Our Safe Charge Battery Rack allows multiple micromobility batteries to safely charge at once and is, like all our products, engineered and tested beyond compliance. Iit’s the only charging system that FDNY has allowed to bypass NYC fire code 309.3.
What Is ECR? Breaking Down the New Fire Containment Measurement

Battery safety is an emerging field, and it calls for new language and new standards in order to evolve a common understanding of the subject. One of the standards that CellBlock is helping to propagate is ECR: Energy Containment Rating.
Ascend Elements Raises $542 Million to Expand Battery Recycling Operations

Ascend Elements announced that it has raised $542 Million in new equity investments, which it will use to build the United States’ first commercial-scale manufacturing facility for sustainable battery materials.
IATA Releases Guidance For Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has just released updated guidance for the transport of lithium metal and lithium ion batteries.
How CellBlock Stays On Top as Battery Chemistries Change

We asked our CTO, Dylan Vandemark, for his thoughts on whether the new technologies pose a threat to the industry’s business model.
Over $1 Billion Raised For Battery Recycling By Redwood Materials

Redwood Materials, already North America’s largest battery recycling company, has just raised over $1 billion to expand their operations.