“Following multiple fire safety incidents across New York, I've directed State agencies to immediately form the Inter-Agency Fire Safety Working Group to mobilize the personnel and resources necessary to keep New Yorkers safe,” New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced. “The Working Group will collaborate with first responders and local leaders to identify best practices, address potential risks to public safety, and ensure energy storage sites across New York are safe and effective.”
According to the Governor's website, Hochul created the Working Group in response to fires at facilities in Jefferson, Orange, and Suffolk Counties this summer. The group's charter is to ensure the safety and security of energy storage systems in New York State.
Hochul directed the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) Office of Fire Prevention and Control, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Public Service (DPS), and the Department of State (DOS) to lead the Working Group in independently examining energy storage facility fires and safety standards.
Agencies have already begun inspections of energy storage sites. In addition to fire prevention, the Working Group will ensure that emergency responders have the necessary training and information to respond effectively in the event of a fire.
The Group's research will be shared with the New York City Fire Department, National Fire Protection Association, International Code Council, the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council, and Underwriters Laboratories, “establishing New York as a national and international leader in fire safety and stationary energy storage systems,” according to the site.
You can find the entire announcement, including quotes from agency heads, here.