CellBlock FCS for FIA WRC Battery Safety

World Class Lithium-ion Safety Equipment The heat, the speed, it is man vs machine at the WRC – FIA World Rally Championship Guanajuato Rally Mexico. The first event in Mexico since 2020, the winners of this March 16-19 event get what else, but a pair of cowboy boots. We are honored to supply safety support […]
Lithium-ion Thermal Runaway Testing

Testing Beyond Compliance: Thermal Runaway Propagation What an amazing series of third party testing for our CellBlock FCS Cabinet in Independence, Ohio weeks ago. Our mission was to create a Thermal Runaway on the middle shelf, while preventing propagation to the first and third adjacent shelves, with the highest quality data possible. The new testing facilities of […]
Stop Thermal Runaway in Seconds

We are starting the year off with a bang! Watch a battery cascade into thermal runaway as the passive fire suppression system of the CellBlock FCS Cabinet takes control of the escalating situation. Spark to suppression in roughly 3 seconds is impressive, even for our standards.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMdUk9XxCW4&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fcellblockfcs.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt
The Gift of Safety for DGM Thailand

DGM Thailand not only has the Worldwide network and Practical Experience in dangerous goods and hazardous materials, they are also the leading partner for CellBlock FCS in Asia. As a Thank You this holiday season, we hand delivered a LIBIK EHS kit last week to General Manager Romsai Phothisoontorn in Bangkok. Tis always the Season […]
Lithium-ion Fire Containment Systems

What began as an answer to inflight fires in the airline industry, has grown into a comprehensive line of products including UN packaging, DOT SP packaging, personal protective equipment, and custom storage and transport solutions. Our team of safety consultants and experts provide premier customer service and product support. The CellBlock brand is trusted worldwide […]
HMIC 2022

HAZMAT Emergency Responders Conference, 2022 Ft. Lauderdale hosted the premier HAZMAT Emergency Responders Conference, HMIC 2022. CellBlock FCS presented an impressive segment, “Batteries and You: Battery Disposal Education” for the finest minds gathered in the HAZMAT World. We are grateful for this space to disseminate the latest and most effective tools and protocols available, in […]
11 Bays of Safe Micro-Mobility Charging per Shelf

Fire Suppression and Separation are the Standard for Safe Battery Charging Our largest Charge Safe Racks to date boast 11 lithium-ion charging bays per shelf, with passive fire suppression in every bay. Separation, Suppression, and Containment innovation by CellBlock FCS is the new E-mobility standard. Simply Brilliant Deployment of CellBlockEX Each shelf has a gravity […]
Three Agreements to Celebrate from NBAA 2022

What a great welcome to the friends, colleagues and professionals who descended on Orlando, FL for the 2022 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition! Three Days of Business Aviation Innovation Though we always look forward to impressive keynotes, technologies, and partnerships, this year was impressive. With inspiration from NASCAR legends and rockstar Astrophysicists, compelling […]
FDNY’s Fire Academy Lithium-Ion Batteries Symposium

We are grateful to be included in FDNY’s Fire Academy Lithium-Ion Batteries Symposium, September 6-7, 2022. “Lithium-Ion Batteries: Challenges for the Fire Service” are not only vital to citizens and communities, but for the brave men and women tasked with protecting us as well. FDNY’s Fire Academy Lithium-Ion Batteries Symposium, Day2: Demo Day! […]
Stop Lithium-ion Fires with CellBlockEX

CellBlockEX uses 100% Recycled Glass Media for Extinguishing Li-ion Battery Fires.