Minimizing toxic smoke and fumes from an in-flight lithium-ion battery fire

The solution to an in-flight fire would be to extinguish the flames, but the LIBIK also contains the smoke.
A PED fire has been suppressed by CellBlockEX. Should I also pour water on it?

Hypothetically, a nearby PED (personal electronic device) such as a laptop or cell phone is experiencing thermal runaway or is on fire. You’re considering using CellBlock fire suppression products as a solution to your imminent problem, but will you need water or other liquids to assist in extinguishing the fire? No. This step is not […]
Flight Deck Safety: Using the LIBIK FD

The flight deck Lithium-ion Battery Incident Kit assures the rapid containment of thermal runaway events in the cockpit.
CellBlockEX Fire Containment Demonstration

CellBlockEX is a dry fire-suppressant granulate made of lightweight, porous recycled glass. It can quickly extinguish lithium-ion battery fires while absorbing smoke and harmful gases, making it a superior choice to normal fire extinguishers or other fire suppression methods. It’s what differentiates the CellBlock brand from anything else on the market. The following video illustrates […]
Passenger Cabin Protocol: Lithium-Ion Battery Fire

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The following video is a simulation of how an airline crew might handle an in-flight lithium-ion battery fire. Two methods are tested in this demonstration: dousing the thermal runaway with a fire extinguisher and water, and suffocating the fire with the CellBlock PED-Pad. The video also provides an abbreviated overview of fire suppression protocol using […]
CellBlockEX Dry Lithium-Ion Fire Extinguisher

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When a laptop or cellphone catches on fire, your immediate priority should be to extinguish the flames as safely and effectively as possible. In the case of such an emergency as a thermal runaway, different environments require a different fire safety protocol. Water works in a pinch, but dousing a lithium-ion battery fire with water […]
CellBlock PED-Pad Fire Suppression Pillows

The CellBlock PED-Pad can be placed over a compromised PED (Personal Electronic Device) in the event of a thermal runaway. In the following demonstration, a Cellblock PED-Pad is used to suppress a PED fire. Placing the CellBlock PED-Pad over the PED fire releases the CellBlockEX granules from inside the PED-Pad, which suppresses the fire and […]