Hunting Dog nearly killed, but not by the bear!

On August 23, around 11:00 in the morning, a small group of houndsmen hiked 800 yards (roughly half a mile) through thick woods to where their dogs had chased a large bear into a tree. When they got there, the bear was only about ten feet off the ground. It was nervous to begin with, […]

How to Put Out a Phone Fire


If you’re responsible for the safety of a group of people, knowing how to put out a phone fire is essential.

CellBlock Visits Local Heroes

PFD's ARFF Division with LIBIK by CellBlock

We were privileged to kick off the new year by visiting the local heroes of Portland Fire Department’s Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Division (ARFF) and talking battery safety with them.

How to Stop a Lithium-Ion Battery Fire

Cheap battery safety envelope on fire.

Hopefully, you will never need to know how to stop a lithium-ion battery fire, but with an ever increasing reliance on battery-powered tools, toys, and technology, knowing how to stop a battery fire, if it should occur, is essential.

Product Spotlight: EV Blanket

red fire blanket over an electric vehicle

EV battery fires are no joke: they burn hot and burn long. That’s why we at CellBlock chose to apply our fire containment expertise to the problem of EV battery fires, ultimately resulting in the world’s most effective EV battery fire containment solution: the FireShield EV Blanket.