Second Generation LIBIK-X
The LIBIK (Lithium-ion Battery Incident Kit) now has an innovative pressure relief filter upgrade that controls smoke and fumes.
SAFITA Document Addresses Fire and Smoke
We’ve just reviewed the most recent version of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s SAFITA specialist document, which addresses fire safety in aviation.
CellBlock’s LIBIK featured in Aviation Week article
Bill Carey of Aviation Week & Space Technology recently authored an article titled Reassessing The Risk Of Li-ion Battery Fires. The article prominently featured a photo of our LIBIK product line and made mention of CellBlock’s solutions to the rising problem of inflight lithium-ion fires. Coming fresh after a week attending the ALPA Safety Forum, […]
Minimizing toxic smoke and fumes from an in-flight lithium-ion battery fire
The solution to an in-flight fire would be to extinguish the flames, but the LIBIK also contains the smoke.
CellBlock FCS to Attend BASS 2018
Meet the entire LIBIK product line of fire suppression tools and find out why we’re so much more than just a containment bag. CellBlock FCS will be on hand with our LIBIK fire suppression tools at the 2018 Business Aviation Safety Summit (BASS) in Chicago. This forum is held May 10th and 11th and is […]
Is the LIBIK FAA Certified?
The LIBIK (Lithium Ion Battery Incident Kit) is more than just a high durability battery bag. Our products are setting a new standard for lithium battery fire suppression in the aviation industry. Our LIBIK fabrics and high heat gloves have passed the FAA 12-second vertical flame test at an FAA approved testing lab. Our lining […]
What does your LIBIK Lifetime Warranty cover?
The CellBlock LIBIK (Lithium Ion Battery Incident Kit) provides versatile, robust solutions for lithium ion battery fire suppression in the transportation, shipping, and aviation industries. CellBlock FCS guarantees LIBIK products to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal inflight use and conditions. CellBlock FCS further warranties that the goods provided under these […]
CellBlock FCS partners with Flame Aviation for LIBIK Training needs
CellBlock FCS is proud to have recently partnered with Flame Aviation, the world’s leading manufacturer of cabin fire and smoke trainers for airlines and training centers around the world. Flame Aviation will be providing standardized training using CellBlock’s LIBIK and EDE fire and smoke suppression kits. Their state-of-the art trainers allow for realistic, yet safe, […]
Flight Deck Safety: Using the LIBIK FD
The flight deck Lithium-ion Battery Incident Kit assures the rapid containment of thermal runaway events in the cockpit.
CellBlock FCS to Attend WATS 2018 in Orlando
CellBlock FCS will attend the 21st World Aviation Training Summit (WATS) April 17-19 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida. This summit is the world’s largest assembly of aviation training professionals with more than 1,200 attendees from over 50 countries expected. WATS offers a relaxed yet professional environment with unrivaled opportunities to meet […]