Drum Plug Battery Safety System

Fire Suppression Drum Plug with high heat gloves

The CellBlock Drum Plug Safety System is a simple approach for the safe and rapid mitigation of lithium-ion battery thermal events

CellBlock Fire Blankets

Large Lithium Ion Battery Incident Kit FireShield Blanket

CellBlock FCS’s proprietary textiles protect against lithium-ion thermal runaway, at temperatures exceeding 2000 degrees Fahrenheit.

CellBlockEX Lithium-ion Fire Extinguisher

CellBlockEX Fire Extinguisher in 55L Bags

CellBlockEX is the environmentally-friendly, mineral-based extinguishing agent used for fire fighting and prevention of problematic fires such as metal fires, lithium-ion battery fires, and combustible liquids.

The Battery Powered Future is Here

lithium ion battery safety solutions are here

The future is here and it is lithium-ion powered. Our modern, sustainable safety solutions enable the leaders in lithium-ion technology to effectively manage the risks associated high energy storage. CellBlock FCS’s offerings include: Packaging for battery and device recalls – our award-winning technology is currently in use by leading electronics manufacturers. Incident kits to address […]

Why is a lithium fire worse than a regular fire?

A lithium battery fire.

A lithium-ion battery fire in a controlled environment. Do not try this at home. I doubt I have to explain this to you, but uncontained fire is generally bad. There are numerous obvious exceptions, but virtually every unintentional fire is cause for alarm, both literally and figuratively. Since humans first harnessed the power of fire […]

LIBIK Fabrics Pass Extensive Testing

Testing our fire retardant blankets with extreme temperatures.

LIBIK fabrics being subjected to an FAA cargo liner test – the extreme in flame testing. When the singular focus of your business is rapid battery fire suppression, you get pretty passionate about the effectiveness of the materials you use. After all, you are only as strong as your weakest link. Dylan Vandemark, VP of […]