The Battery Powered Future is Here

lithium ion battery safety solutions are here

The future is here and it is lithium-ion powered. Our modern, sustainable safety solutions enable the leaders in lithium-ion technology to effectively manage the risks associated high energy storage. CellBlock FCS’s offerings include: Packaging for battery and device recalls – our award-winning technology is currently in use by leading electronics manufacturers. Incident kits to address […]

EASA Designates Liquid-free Zones Through Emergency Directive

Coffee in a to-go cup. Very necessary today.

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency recently issued an emergency Airworthiness Directive prohibiting liquids in cockpit areas where spills might damage electronic panels in certain aircraft. The directive was drafted in response to a series of diversions necessitated by engine failure after mishandled beverages on the control panels caused dramatic malfunctions in multiple aircraft.  In […]

Second Generation LIBIK-X

LIBIK filter

The LIBIK (Lithium-ion Battery Incident Kit) now has an innovative pressure relief filter upgrade that controls smoke and fumes.

Extinguishing Fires with CellBlockEX vs Halon and Water

CellBlockEX Class D fire extinguisher.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Previous FAA recommendations for neutralizing thermal runaway (such as lithium-ion battery fires) have advocated the application of halon and water. While such methods may be adequate for outdoor incidents, they typically yield a great deal of smoke and toxic fumes, which presents a problem in close-quarters locations such as an aircraft cabin. CellBlockEX is […]