The Greenest Choice for Shipping Class-D Goods
CellBlock FCS is committed to protecting the environment. It has been well-established that CellBlockEX is a superior packaging filler for shipping class-D goods, such as lithium-ion batteries.
CellBlock’s LIBIK featured in Aviation Week article
Bill Carey of Aviation Week & Space Technology recently authored an article titled Reassessing The Risk Of Li-ion Battery Fires. The article prominently featured a photo of our LIBIK product line and made mention of CellBlock’s solutions to the rising problem of inflight lithium-ion fires. Coming fresh after a week attending the ALPA Safety Forum, […]
Minimizing toxic smoke and fumes from an in-flight lithium-ion battery fire
The solution to an in-flight fire would be to extinguish the flames, but the LIBIK also contains the smoke.
CellBlock FCS to Attend BASS 2018
Meet the entire LIBIK product line of fire suppression tools and find out why we’re so much more than just a containment bag. CellBlock FCS will be on hand with our LIBIK fire suppression tools at the 2018 Business Aviation Safety Summit (BASS) in Chicago. This forum is held May 10th and 11th and is […]
A PED fire has been suppressed by CellBlockEX. Should I also pour water on it?
Hypothetically, a nearby PED (personal electronic device) such as a laptop or cell phone is experiencing thermal runaway or is on fire. You’re considering using CellBlock fire suppression products as a solution to your imminent problem, but will you need water or other liquids to assist in extinguishing the fire? No. This step is not […]
CellBlock vs Vermiculite: Battery Fire Suppression
CellBlockEX is a lightweight filler that is also a Class D fire suppressant able to quickly extinguish thermal runaways.
Extinguishing Fires with CellBlockEX vs Halon and Water
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Previous FAA recommendations for neutralizing thermal runaway (such as lithium-ion battery fires) have advocated the application of halon and water. While such methods may be adequate for outdoor incidents, they typically yield a great deal of smoke and toxic fumes, which presents a problem in close-quarters locations such as an aircraft cabin. CellBlockEX is […]
CellBlockEX Fire Containment Demonstration
CellBlockEX is a dry fire-suppressant granulate made of lightweight, porous recycled glass. It can quickly extinguish lithium-ion battery fires while absorbing smoke and harmful gases, making it a superior choice to normal fire extinguishers or other fire suppression methods. It’s what differentiates the CellBlock brand from anything else on the market. The following video illustrates […]
Passenger Cabin Protocol: Lithium-Ion Battery Fire
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The following video is a simulation of how an airline crew might handle an in-flight lithium-ion battery fire. Two methods are tested in this demonstration: dousing the thermal runaway with a fire extinguisher and water, and suffocating the fire with the CellBlock PED-Pad. The video also provides an abbreviated overview of fire suppression protocol using […]
CellBlockEX Dry Lithium-Ion Fire Extinguisher
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When a laptop or cellphone catches on fire, your immediate priority should be to extinguish the flames as safely and effectively as possible. In the case of such an emergency as a thermal runaway, different environments require a different fire safety protocol. Water works in a pinch, but dousing a lithium-ion battery fire with water […]